Current Address

Sister Kierstan M Babbel
(send packages here)
England Manchester Mission
Spring Wood Suite G5
Booths Park, Knutsford
England WA168QZ

NOTE: It takes at least 5 to 7 days for letters to arrive :)

New Address For Letters! Updated Oct 5, 2011

8 Clothorn Road
Manchester, England
M20 6B2

Monday, July 25, 2011

New, But Not...

Last week was transfer week and while there were some changes, Kierstan did not get transferred. In the flat where they live there are two companionships and Kierstan and her companion both stayed but were each given a new companion. So she and Sister Suaybaguio each have a new companion now, but both are still in the same flat. Sister Babbel's new companion is Sister Dell, and they get along famously. They have decided to get up at 5:30 every morning to read the scriptures, and while this has been quite a challenge for Kierstan because, and I quote "I really really love sleep, I really love it!", they have only missed rising early one morning. Kierstan said she missed reading so much that morning and felt bad all day because they slept in, so they have not missed any more. The missionary experience has definitely changed her outlook on waking up in the morning. I have seen so much Spiritual growth come to Kierstan because of her mission, and she has grown in other, less obvious ways as well. We love her and look forward with great anticipation each week for the letters we receive from her :)