Current Address

Sister Kierstan M Babbel
(send packages here)
England Manchester Mission
Spring Wood Suite G5
Booths Park, Knutsford
England WA168QZ

NOTE: It takes at least 5 to 7 days for letters to arrive :)

New Address For Letters! Updated Oct 5, 2011

8 Clothorn Road
Manchester, England
M20 6B2

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bitter Sweet Times

Last week we sent Kierstan's grandmother (my mother) back to her Heavenly Father. Kierstan was so sad to receive this news and wrote a song that I would like to share with you. It is a tribute to her grandmother and an expression of her faith in Our Savior Jesus Christ.


Born in this world, with troubles and strife.
From a place full of love and the Lord's glorious light.

The Gospel you heard, a tune so familiar.
You followed your heart, becoming peculiar.

Hold on to His light, hold on to His love
Hold on because He knows you, He is always there.

A treasure you held, the warmth burning bright.
A gift full of love, you are always in His sight.

From gthe years came your strength, you standard never changed.
You taught the Gospel well, and the whispering spirit sang.


You fought a good fight, you faith weas strong.
Though you left your body here, I know you still live on.

Into Heaven you have gone, clothed magnificently in white
The mediator stands, Your Savior, you never lost sight.