Current Address

Sister Kierstan M Babbel
(send packages here)
England Manchester Mission
Spring Wood Suite G5
Booths Park, Knutsford
England WA168QZ

NOTE: It takes at least 5 to 7 days for letters to arrive :)

New Address For Letters! Updated Oct 5, 2011

8 Clothorn Road
Manchester, England
M20 6B2

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sister Babbel and Sister Suaybagio :)

Request :)

"We are truly so blessed to be living in a time when we have the Restored Gospel on the earth. I have an ever stronger desire to make sure that my own roots are deep. That my conversion story is strong enough to guide my actions in the way that my Heavenly Father wants me to live and be. I genuinley hope that one day, those who have strayed will see the light. Before they meet their maker. Oh how I love this Gospel! I say that a lot, but it's because it's so so true. :)
Before I go, I wanted to ask all who read this if you will send me a letter stating how you have come to know that this Gospel is true. For I realized just the other day, that I've never asked about your conversion stories before. And I know we all have conversion stories. No matter the fact that we've been in the church all our lives. We all have one. Even I do. Mine is simple really. And if you want to know it, just write to me and ask me! :D
Thank you all for being fantastic! I hope that you enjoy your week and I pray that it's full of blessings and miracles".