Current Address

Sister Kierstan M Babbel
(send packages here)
England Manchester Mission
Spring Wood Suite G5
Booths Park, Knutsford
England WA168QZ

NOTE: It takes at least 5 to 7 days for letters to arrive :)

New Address For Letters! Updated Oct 5, 2011

8 Clothorn Road
Manchester, England
M20 6B2

Saturday, November 12, 2011

"Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth, for being correct, for being you. Never apologize for being correct, or for being years ahead of your time. If your right and you know it, speak your mind. Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth." ~Gandhi

Monday, November 7, 2011

We Are Down To 10 Days!!

We are down to only 10 days and Kierstan will be home! In her letter today she finally sounds like she is looking forward, just a little, to returning to the regular world. However, she still seems to have amazing missionary focus!

Her welcome home will be held on the So Jo Ward at 11:00 am. Message me here on the blog or text me at 801-707-9945 if you need directions or anything.

I am looking forward to hearing about her experiences face to face, and finally planning the future with her at home :D

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Kierstan did not get transferred this time but will remain in Manchester South, although she has a new companion, Sister Gallozo. They are however moving to a new flat and I have posted her new address on the blog. She is having an amazing time in England and her letter reflect her desire to serve Heavenly Father. She and her companion have many investigators and a few of them are getting close to baptism, so maybe if we all pray hard for them she will have a few baptisms before she leaves. :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

57 DAYS !!!! :)

But hey, whose counting??

As a side note, I forgot to update her address so I will get it done as soon as I finish this post.. Although, she could be transferred again before I get it done if my computer doesn't go FASTER!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


I was so excited that we finally have a release date for Kiersti that I forgot to post about her transfer. She is back in Manchester South and her companion is Sister Alison. Sister Alison is a native of England and Kierstan seems to really like her. (Of course, Kierstan has said she really likes ALL her companions, lol) Recently they ran into a man Kierstan had taught when she was in Manchester the first time, and the man has joined the church. Kierstan said that he was struggling a little but it must be so gratifying to see that the work you have done with investigators eventually leads to membership for some of them.

She and Sister Alison have been praying they will get a car to drive because their area is too big to get around easily. They are working with the young single adults, mostly young women, to keep them activated and away from the influences of the world. They had been praying about a car when President Preston offered them a car for a week! I haven't heard from her yet about how their week has been with the car (and thank heaven her comp is from England and knows how to drive on the wrong side of the road) but I am excited to find out how much they have been able to accomplish by having that mode of transportation to help them get around. I am genuinely looking forward to her letter tomorrow, and I am expecting great things.

As always, I am looking forward to updating the blog when I next hear from her, and of course I am excited for her return. :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

70 DAYS!

Sister Babbel only has 70 days left in the Manchester England Mission (EMM). As excited as we, her family, are to have her home, we will also be sad for her because we know she is enjoying her mission, and is absorbed in the Spirit that so often surrounds missionaries.

Kierstan's current area is Manchester South, where she has served previously, and she actually met a man she had taught who had joined the church! She was very excited about that. :) She and her companion, Sister Alison, were able to get a car for this week because the area they cover is so big and includes all the YSA (young single adults) in the area. They have been working to implement a couple of different programs that will help the YSA's stay focused on gospel principles and stay out of trouble.

She is hoping they will get to keep the car for a while longer, but we shall see. BTW, her companion is from England and therefore knows how to drive on the wrong side of the road! lol

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Finally, A Return Date!!

Kierstan will be released on November 17th and will be home late in the evening on that day!

Monday, July 25, 2011

New, But Not...

Last week was transfer week and while there were some changes, Kierstan did not get transferred. In the flat where they live there are two companionships and Kierstan and her companion both stayed but were each given a new companion. So she and Sister Suaybaguio each have a new companion now, but both are still in the same flat. Sister Babbel's new companion is Sister Dell, and they get along famously. They have decided to get up at 5:30 every morning to read the scriptures, and while this has been quite a challenge for Kierstan because, and I quote "I really really love sleep, I really love it!", they have only missed rising early one morning. Kierstan said she missed reading so much that morning and felt bad all day because they slept in, so they have not missed any more. The missionary experience has definitely changed her outlook on waking up in the morning. I have seen so much Spiritual growth come to Kierstan because of her mission, and she has grown in other, less obvious ways as well. We love her and look forward with great anticipation each week for the letters we receive from her :)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Winding Down

Sister Babbel is in the last few months of her mission, and as her time in the mission field is winding down I will be both happy and sad to see her come home. We all miss her so much and look forward with great anticipation to her return, but the mission experience is such a wonderful time in life, and the closeness she feels with the Spirit will be something she can treasure, and continue to work for, once she returns. I have seen Heavenly Father's hand in our lives while Kierstan has served in the mission field, and I feel so blessed to be part of the extraordinary experience of sending a missionary to serve the Lord. We expect she will be home sometime around the 15th of November so as of today she only has 143 days left! She might not be counting, but I am!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sister Babbel and Sister Suaybagio :)

Request :)

"We are truly so blessed to be living in a time when we have the Restored Gospel on the earth. I have an ever stronger desire to make sure that my own roots are deep. That my conversion story is strong enough to guide my actions in the way that my Heavenly Father wants me to live and be. I genuinley hope that one day, those who have strayed will see the light. Before they meet their maker. Oh how I love this Gospel! I say that a lot, but it's because it's so so true. :)
Before I go, I wanted to ask all who read this if you will send me a letter stating how you have come to know that this Gospel is true. For I realized just the other day, that I've never asked about your conversion stories before. And I know we all have conversion stories. No matter the fact that we've been in the church all our lives. We all have one. Even I do. Mine is simple really. And if you want to know it, just write to me and ask me! :D
Thank you all for being fantastic! I hope that you enjoy your week and I pray that it's full of blessings and miracles".

Friday, April 22, 2011

Almost all of the sisters in the Manchester Mission on April 18th...Transfer day!

Kierstan was transferred to Whitefield England. Look for her new address above!

Love to all and please send mail :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Missionary Moments

"The intensity of our desire to share the gospel is a great indicator of the extent of our personal conversion." - Elder Dallin H. Oaks

"Oh how I love this Gospel! I'm so grateful for the love of my Savior and His tender mercy upon my soul. And for the love that I know He has for all of you. I can't tell you what a joy it is to be able to live the Gospel, engulfed by the spirit and the Lord's powerful love. It's definitely not something that can be described easily. I'm so grateful to be here and to be learning all these things. I know that this is where I'm supposed to be. And how lucky I feel that I get to serve my Savior in the best way possible and know that my family will be taken care of!" -Sister Kierstan Babbel

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Kiersti Got Transferred Again!

Kierstan is now in Altrincham England, her new area! I know she would love to hear from everyone so I will post her new address for you. She says to "send letters in the post!"

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Kierstan was transferred this week and is now, once again, in LIVERPOOL! She is also part of a Trio companionship with Sister Hulet and Sister Maughn. She said President Bullock called her to tell her she would be returning to liverpool and would be part of the Trio and that he didn't know why, but the Lord needed her there for a specific purpose. It will be interesting to find out how things go and if she is ment to once again work with Marie, the investigator that she had to leave behind last time. Good Times!! :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bitter Sweet Times

Last week we sent Kierstan's grandmother (my mother) back to her Heavenly Father. Kierstan was so sad to receive this news and wrote a song that I would like to share with you. It is a tribute to her grandmother and an expression of her faith in Our Savior Jesus Christ.


Born in this world, with troubles and strife.
From a place full of love and the Lord's glorious light.

The Gospel you heard, a tune so familiar.
You followed your heart, becoming peculiar.

Hold on to His light, hold on to His love
Hold on because He knows you, He is always there.

A treasure you held, the warmth burning bright.
A gift full of love, you are always in His sight.

From gthe years came your strength, you standard never changed.
You taught the Gospel well, and the whispering spirit sang.


You fought a good fight, you faith weas strong.
Though you left your body here, I know you still live on.

Into Heaven you have gone, clothed magnificently in white
The mediator stands, Your Savior, you never lost sight.